About Becks

Kia Ora,

My name is Becks and I have over ten years hands on experience in the massage space but a lifetime experience of getting to know my body. Through a very large number of injuries and niggles I have developed a unique and personal understanding of the fascial system and believe generally where the pain is, is not the actual issue within the body. I find out the why!!

To me the body is a weird and wonderful thing. I believe that if we keep the body maintained it will treat you well. But we need to know how to keep it balanced to really get it thriving. This comes through body veda (knowledge), body awareness and holistic maintenance.

My mission is to give you the ultimate hands-on experience, understanding, knowledge, support, and tools to keep your body functioning to its highest ability by getting your fascial system working for you and not against you.

You don’t need to live in pain or have restrictions.

Let me help you explore your possibilities.