Stretch Club
One time

Join Stretch Club to access a private Facebook group which is a library full of tips, tricks, and videos, including live streams that are updated and added to frequently. Stretch Club is an interactive group, where you can ask questions and receive tailed advice, all aimed at increasing flexibility and range of motion while relieving stress and improving posture.

Stretch Club allows you to develop good routines for overall holistic maintenance, giving you a well rounded approach to self care and well being.

What’s Included

15-minute video sessions

These sessions will include 2-3 poses/exercises with 2-5min holds. Having time under passion tension and breathwork, the body starts to deactivate the stretch reflex and the body relaxes and releases allowing the fascial system to melt and the body to open to create more flexibility and mobility.

The key to anything is creating a habit. All this habit takes is 15mins a day to create a body that can move freely and in less pain.

Body Veda, body awareness and holistic maintenance.

Come explore and create this new habit with me. The best kind of habit.

One time

Sign up for Stretch Club today and see the difference it can make.